Frequently asked questions about the thuiskopie fee

General questions

How much money will I receive?

Unfortunately, we cannot know this in advance. The amount of your fee depends on various factors: the annual collection by Stichting de Thuiskopie, how many publishers register, and the differences in revenue among publishers. Therefore, your final fee is relative and determined per category. The starting point is that every publisher receives a fair amount.

When is the fee paid out?

We aim to pay out the private copy levies around the summer, in August or September. Once all relevant publishers have submitted their revenue, PRO establishes a distribution key. Stichting de Thuiskopie then transfers the total publisher share of the private copy levies to PRO, after which we distribute and pay out the funds as quickly as possible. Stichting PRO pays out fees that were collected by Stichting de Thuiskopie the previous year. In 2025, publishers will receive the private copy levy for 2024. This information can be found on your invoice in the webportal.

Do I need to pay my freelance authors?

No, you do not have to pay them: the private copy levy is a net fee. Publishers only receive the "publisher's share" of the levy. The "author's share" is paid out by Stichting Lira to (freelance) authors.

Do I have to pay Stichting PRO for this service?

No, publishers are entitled to this fee. Stichting PRO does, however, withhold administration and VAT from the total gross amount of the reprographic rights funds. You will not notice this, as you will receive the net amount. Stichting PRO is a non-profit organization and strives to keep administrative costs as low as possible. The College van Toezicht Auteursrechten (CvTA) oversees the process.

Submit revenue declaration

How do I calculate revenue per title?

The "revenue amount per title" is calculated as follows:

  1. Add up the net revenue from print, digital, online, and net advertising income for each title.
  2. Note this "revenue amount per title". This can then be entered in the table under "revenue".

Tip: You can collect the data in an Excel file and copy-paste it into the portal.

I receive an error message when I enter my revenue.

Please ensure that the amounts are entered "cleanly" (both in the Excel file and when entering manually). Do not use dots or commas. For example, do not enter '23,000', but instead enter '23000'.

I have a publication that falls into multiple categories.

When in doubt how to categorise your publication, choose the best fitting category. Do this at your own discretion, as you, as the publisher, are best suited to assess this. Unfortunately, deviations from the categories are not possible. The fees are collected, distributed, and paid out per category.

Why do only consumer publications and websites count?

The private copy levy is paid by consumers and relates to copies made by consumers for their own use. Professional use is therefore excluded.

Are door-to-door papers eligible?

Yes,since 2024 you may also declare the turnover of your door-to-door newspapers (HAH). The 20% requirement has been abolished with the implementation of the so-called HP/Reprobel fix. Publishers of HAH newspapers no longer have to specify the share of creators employed to Stichting PRO. You can declare your turnover in category 1: newspapers.