Review control specification

In our portal you can see the information we have about your publishing house. Please check it carefully.

Download your personal overview

  • Click in our portal on the button ‘Inzien controlespecificaties’.
  • Download the Excel file 'Control Specification Lending Rights.' This is the complete list of titles added, transferred, or modified in our system over the past three years.
  • Please pay particular attention to titles that have recently been borrowed, transferred, or modified.

Implement changes

Titles missing

Your overview only includes titles that have actually been borrowed from libraries. If your book or magazine does not appear in this list, it means that no borrowing has been registered for it. Would you like to add it anyway? You can do so in the portal. Under 'View control specification,' go to the 'Missing Titles Leenrecht' tab. Here, you can enter (or copy from Excel) titles and ISBN numbers.

Please note: If your title has not yet been borrowed by a library, it will not be automatically created in our administration.

Incorrect titles

If works are displayed that were not published by you, please inform us via, mentioning your relation number.


Works can be registered by publishers as well as authors affiliated with Stichting Lira. These titles can be identified in our system by the prefix 'IW'. Stichting Lira and PRO use the same database to work as efficiently as possible. We ask publishers to carefully verify these titles for accuracy, including title, product type, and ISBN.

No errors?

If all your details are correct, you don't need to take any action. You have implicitly indemnified us against any claims from third parties.